How Web Design Techniques Affect Search Engine Rankings?

Captivating web designs always have a competitive edge over any other website design. It is essential for a website to be listed high in search engine rankings so that it can be easily found by the searchers.

Higher the ranks, easy the search

A nicely built website designed by web design professionals entwined with artistic designs and precise yet detailed information is the one desired for exploration. Imagine, who would want to mark his presence on a website that has incomplete information and a dull composition? The searchers need a reason to visit the website. Each website must have certain design structures in order to rank high in a SEO campaign.

Let us have a look on few of the web designing tips required to accelerate the search engine rank through search engine optimisation.

1. Increased Number of Pages

A large website can increase your chances of ranking high in search engines. So if you have a good number of pages added to your website as compared to your counterparts, you are likely to mark a top page ranking for your website. Make sure that your pages are relevant and do not deviated out of the context. Search engines like a huge number of relevant pages with information. Also, since you have a huge website, you can possible keep the visitors engrossed for a longer time, thus resulting in potential sales.

2. Include Graphic Representation

Only content and no graphics appear to be a boring option. You may have concocted a really good content and filled your website but it doesn’t serve the purpose of those who are more inclined towards exploring the graphics. If you are selling a product, putting up pictures with relevant amount of information will be more preferable for visitors to comprehend the essence of product. Read more on the importance of images here.

Ranking Your Home Page

5 Fundamentals Of Web Design For Small And Local Business Websites

Websites are by web designers created for businesses of all types and of all sizes. From the global giants that are household names across the world to the local dog groomer who makes the dogs in a small town of fewer than five thousand inhabitants look their best, there is a web design that suits them all.

Websites for large corporations often have no other purpose than to provide company information and to promote brand awareness of the business. Websites of smaller businesses will also include information, but many are also designed to either generate local sales or leads that the business can follow up with.

These points signify that there are specific web design features that are more suitable to some websites than others based upon the size and the needs of the business. Given that the majority of people reading this are more likely to own or manage a small or local business than they are to be a CEO of a multinational giant, we thought it best if we focus on websites for small, local businesses.

There will be many ways in which a local businesses website can be enhanced, however, there are five fundamental criteria that they must follow. This is because the visitors to their website will have different objectives than if those same visitors were to visit the website of a global company like Dell or Audi. Read on, and we will outline what those five fundamental criteria are.

5 Essential Functions A Dentist’s Website Must Perform To Enhance Their Business

5 Essential Functions A Dentist’s Website Must Perform To Enhance Their Business

In an age where the vast majority of people use the internet to search for products and services, all dentists must have a website. Anyone searching for a dentist in their local area, will doubtless see most of them have a website of some kind, but the more pertinent question should be whether any of those websites benefit the dental practice it represents.

This follows from the fact that merely having a website online is pointless if it achieves nothing. We guarantee that you could check over 100 dental practice websites and it would be a good day if any more than 20% of them tick every box in the list of functions a website should have.

Note that whilst a website looking great is an advantage, too many of them focus on its appearance, rather than it doing anything to promote the dental business including encouraging potential patients to get in touch. To clarify what a website should achieve, here are five basic functions every dental practice’s website should fulfil.

A Website Must Have Goals

One of the biggest website design mistakes is that it has no specific goals, and its purpose for existing has not been identified. A dental practice’s website can have many functions such as expounding its impressive record of patient satisfaction, promoting special treatments, or simply getting prospective patients to call to register.

Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Designing Your Dental Website

Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Designing Your Dental Website

As a well respected Perth dentist, you will undoubtedly know the ‘Top Ten’ mistakes that every dentist should avoid but are you as familiar with the web design mistakes to avoid when building or updating your dental practice website.

You might think that you do not need to know these as it is not you who is building or developing the website, however, not knowing them could mean that if your website developer does make one or more mistakes, you will be oblivious to them. Some mistakes might be easily remedied, but others are not, and if it means that the ranking of your website is negatively impacted, that is not going to be an overnight fix.

So, rather than having the hassle of trying to fix mistakes after they happen, by knowing what they are, you can ensure that whoever is designing your website, does not make them in the first place. So, with that in mind, here are ten of the worst dental website design mistakes to avoid.

Slow Load Speed: One of the biggest mistakes made is that the website takes too much time to load, meaning visitors click away immediately. A poor web design strategy that uses unnecessarily large file sizes is one of the major causes of this.

No Calls To Action: Ultimately you want your website visitors to take some kind of action such as book an appointment or follow your social media, for example. Make sure you have clear calls to action on every page.

Media Auto-Playing: One of the reasons that someone will choose to leave your dental practice website quickly is if it has audio or video that plays automatically. It might work on certain websites, but for the most part, almost all visitors hate it, so make sure any media only plays when visitors want it to.

Ranking Your Home Page

The Business Case For Not Ranking Your Home Page

Whenever an SEO discussion takes place, and the subject matter is about ranking a website, the automatic assumption is that it is the website’s homepage that should be ranked.

In a lot of cases that will be true, but there are many arguments that differ from that thinking. Instead, the theory is that whilst the homepage might be ideal for optimising for the company’s branding, SEO rankings should be focusing on other pages, especially with regards to products and services. This is why we recommend hiring an SEO agency.

Now, this might surprise many of you, but if you read on, we will explain the justification and the business case for not ranking your homepage.

Diversity Of Products And Locations

Now it is likely that your business has more than one product or service on offer, and it is also possible that your business operates in, or targets, more than one location. Even if it does not at the moment, assuming you plan to expand, it may well do so in the future.

Whilst multiple products and locations may all be under one roof in terms of your website, each of them should be promoted on their own individual web pages, or on pages more aligned with that range or location.

If you are solely focusing on ranking your homepage, none of those inner pages ever stand a chance of finding themselves rank number one on google.

The point here is that the kinds of keyword phrases that you would target for those pages, may not actually be difficult to get good ranking for due to poor or limited competition.

This is a huge open goal being missed, as some simple, but effective SEO, could see those pages rank highly and thus your products and services being seen by a much larger number of prospective buyers and clients.

Build Websites with Wordpress

Building Your First Website With WordPress

As the world’s most popular content management system, it’s estimated that over 30% of all websites are now built on WordPress. If you’re an inexperienced web developer who wants to build their first website, then WordPress is a great place to start!

However, WordPress isn’t all fun and games. You do need to make sure that you do a bit of research and learn about the platform and what it offers before you start, otherwise you will almost certainly run into problems. The following should help guide you through the basics of building your first WordPress website:

Choose between and

The first thing that you need to do when building a new website is choose which WordPress platform you want to use. lets you sign up and start building a website immediately. While it is certainly the simpler choice, it has a lot less flexibility and it can become a lot more expensive than

This is because is basically software that allows you to host your own website. If you use, you will have to go through a lot more steps to get your site up and running, but you will have a lot more control over how you customise and design it. is definitely the better choice for anyone who wants to make money off their website.

The rest of this article will assume that you have chosen to use

Choose a hosting provider & domain name

Before you can do anything, you need to choose a hosting provider and a domain name for your website. Make sure that you do some research and choose a hosting provider who offers at least 99% uptime and a dedicated resources. The team at Slinky Digital can make this process as smooth as possible.

Choosing a domain name should be relatively simple if you already know what your website is going to be called. Most hosting provider let you purchase a domain directly from their platform when you sign up with them.

Terms of Use

Why Your Website Needs Terms of Use

If you are in the middle of getting a website built, by a professional web design team, to conduct an online business, you may not have thought of the Terms of Use that are needed. Commercial lawyers would tell you that these are needed to protect you as well as to inform users of your website what to expect when using your website. Any visitors to your website become potential customers or clients and so need to have everything made clear to them about what you offer and what they should expect.

Without this important document, you leave yourself open to being sued if the customer finds that your goods are faulty or if the instructions on your website are followed and they don’t get the result they expected. For the best result, the Terms of Use document should really be drafted by a lawyer so that it is specific to your business.

How to Setup Your Online Ecommerce Business

Do you plan to set up your very own ecommerce business? Have you planned out each detail and see great potential in your new enterprise for business success? Then what are you waiting for? Get started!

But before you set out to begin your business, make sure you know the steps to setup an ecommerce business and run it successfully in the industry without any problems.

To get started in ecommerce, you need to be aware of all the details and trends in the industry. Know the dynamics which govern the market and be aware of what you can do to make the conditions beneficial for you.

Be mindful of the following things before you setup your online business and designing profitable websites.

Know About the Work Involved In Your Online Business

To start an online store, you will need to have a clear idea of the competition in the industry, the prevalent trends and the essential factors needed to initiate a successful start-up.

Make sure that you know how to manage needs of online customers and their orders, and have a team to constantly update and add new content on the online store site. Employ the best people for managing the different marketing and social media channels and give your business the exposure and boost it deserves in the initial phase.

Marketing with style through WordPress

WordPress acts as a catalyst to promote businesses, big or small, digitally. In this global world, people opt for products that are more popular and trending. Therefore, to increase the views on your business content you must make the presentation alluring.

WordPress is not only used as a blogging website or plugin, but with the help of an expert digital marketing agency, it also facilitates in marketing your products in which you can use features such as themes that goes with the industry you are doing business in. Themes give your product a more professional outlook and are custom-built which has necessary features essential to run a business online. These themes consist of functional designs and unique varieties that you can choose from.

There are two types of themes that can be used on WordPress:

  • Paid themes
  • Free themes

You can choose from thousands of themes from a WordPress Themes List or you can invest in premium (paid) themes. Premium themes offer support and are dependable and that’s the advantage of paying for it. Some of the paid themes offer you the preference of customizing the design and page layout.

Following are some of the themes you could utilize while using WordPress:


This theme adds classiness to you website and is absolutely free. Bootstrap technology is used to create this contemporary and even theme. It is also consists of a number of amazing features which are available in the paid themes of WordPress. It appears exceptional on smartphones because of its sharp design and flowing arrangement. The full-screen glider feature brings attention to the images present on the website. The plug-ins it supports includes: Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, W3 Total Cache, and many others.