
Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Maximizing ROI on Google Ads

Hey there, digital marketing enthusiasts and PPC newbies alike! Ready to dive into the world of pay-per-click advertising? Grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, because we’re about to embark on a journey that’ll transform your Google Ads game and boost your ROI like never before.

Before we jump in, let me share a quick story. A few years back, I was working with a small e-commerce business selling handmade jewelry. The owner, let’s call her Sarah, was skeptical about PPC. “I’ve tried it before,” she said, “and I just burned through my budget with nothing to show for it.” Fast forward three months, and her Google Ads campaigns were generating a 300% ROI. How’d we do it? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to explore today.

  1. Understanding the Basics of Pay-Per-Click Advertising

First things first, let’s break down what PPC actually is. In simple terms, it’s a model of internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically.

Google Ads is the most popular PPC advertising system in the world. It allows businesses to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine and other Google properties.

The beauty of PPC is its measurability and controllability. You can track every aspect of your campaign, from impressions and clicks to conversions and ROI. Plus, you have control over how much you spend, when your ads appear, and who sees them.

According to WordStream, businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Google Ads. Not too shabby, right?

The Important SEO Tips for Small Businesses in Australia

Do you want to improve your business visibility online? Ever wondered why everyone prompts you to improve your SEO marketing techniques? It is because this technique is the foolproof way for you to tap into an ever wider customer market, knowing no geographical boundaries or limits.

Search engine optimisation techniques are the magic formula which let you attract, draw in and ensure customer conversions, and make a success of your business in a unique way. As the popularity and impact of SEO techniques are gaining momentum and fame, it is fast becoming the foolproof way to reach out to and penetrate a large potential market, and enjoy business and success for your company.

To compete in a highly aggressive Australian market, it is essential that you play all your cards right. Remember, even if your business has a good website and a social presence, but lacks the search engine optimization techniques to boost its business, then you will have no chance to gain any visibility in the market.

Want to know great tips on how to build up, develop and improve on your search engine optimisation techniques? Then read on…

Recognize SEO Importance

The first step is to make sure that you understand how important SEO is for your business. You need to know how relevant it is to the success of your business. To sum up the necessity of having SEO, you just need to understand that with no efforts in this field, you won’t be able to attract any visitors from the different search engines.

With no SEO methods, search engines will not able to categorize or rank your website for any business relevant keywords.


How Web Design Techniques Affect Search Engine Rankings?

Captivating web designs always have a competitive edge over any other website design. It is essential for a website to be listed high in search engine rankings so that it can be easily found by the searchers.

Higher the ranks, easy the search

A nicely built website designed by web design professionals entwined with artistic designs and precise yet detailed information is the one desired for exploration. Imagine, who would want to mark his presence on a website that has incomplete information and a dull composition? The searchers need a reason to visit the website. Each website must have certain design structures in order to rank high in a SEO campaign.

Let us have a look on few of the web designing tips required to accelerate the search engine rank through search engine optimisation.

1. Increased Number of Pages

A large website can increase your chances of ranking high in search engines. So if you have a good number of pages added to your website as compared to your counterparts, you are likely to mark a top page ranking for your website. Make sure that your pages are relevant and do not deviated out of the context. Search engines like a huge number of relevant pages with information. Also, since you have a huge website, you can possible keep the visitors engrossed for a longer time, thus resulting in potential sales.

2. Include Graphic Representation

Only content and no graphics appear to be a boring option. You may have concocted a really good content and filled your website but it doesn’t serve the purpose of those who are more inclined towards exploring the graphics. If you are selling a product, putting up pictures with relevant amount of information will be more preferable for visitors to comprehend the essence of product. Read more on the importance of images here.

7 Ways Your Wills Lawyer Business Benefits From Better Branding

7 Ways Your Wills Lawyer Business Benefits From Better Branding

It may the case that within some wills lawyer businesses that marketing and branding are well down the list of priorities. Hopefully, that is not the case for your business because by ignoring them you are undoubtedly missing out on a huge number of opportunities to enhance the performance of your business.

In particular, by branding your wills lawyers business effectively you open it up to a huge number of advantages. This is especially important if you operate in an area where there is significant local competition for the sorts of legal services you provide. In this article we are going to examine 7 of the main reason why your wills lawyer business can benefit from effective branding.

Projects A Premium Identity

Any branding that means a business is perceived as being premium or first class will definitely attract more customers, and more importantly, allow that business to charge premium fees for its services. We are not suggesting that you rebrand your business simply with the sole intention of increasing your fees, but there is no escaping the fact that a first-class image, provided it is backed up with first-class customer service, gives you that option.

Improves The Chances Of Expansion

As a business’s performance improves and its revenue and profits increase likewise as a result of improved branding, its future becomes a lot brighter. Part of that future could include you deciding to reinvest some of those profits into expanding your wills lawyer business. That could mean relocating to bigger offices or even opening additional offices in other areas. Each of these new offices should see similar success, thanks to the main brand being so strong.

Expert Digital Marketer

3 Reasons You Should Always Use An Expert Digital Marketer

If you run or own a landscaping or landscape design business, the chances are that you don’t have time to stay up to date with all of the latest advances in digital marketing technology. The digital world is evolving at a rapid pace, and it’s quickly becoming one of the most competitive spaces on the planet.

If you want your landscaping business to remain competitive, then you need to make sure that you’re maintaining a strong online presence. There are many ways to do this, including through a high-quality website, through social media, and by using things like search engine marketing. A high-quality digital marketer can help you do all of these things, especially if you’re not very technologically minded.

Our top three reasons why you should always use an experienced digital marketer, such as Slinky Digital Marketing, to promote your landscaping or landscape design business include:

  1. Digital marketers know what they’re doing

Being familiar with the digital space and how it works is a crucial part of digital marketing. Since professional marketers spend their entire working life in and around various aspects of digital medial, they need to make sure that they’re staying up to date with advances in things like search engine technology and social media marketing.

When you employ an experienced digital marketer to work with your business, you can rest easily with the knowledge that they will do the best job possible. You won’t have to spend hours of your own time researching the latest online marketing techniques, and they will probably be able to show much better results in a much shorter space of time.

Boosting Dental Client

Boosting Dental Client Numbers With Effective Google Ads Campaigns

For any dentist who wishes to expand their client base, and in turn their dental practice, there are many ways in which it can be done.  The number of marketing and advertising options is greater than the number of teeth in a healthy mouth, but there is an advertising platform that has proven time and time again to be one of the most effective, and that is Google Ads.

We should actually caveat what we just said, by including the words, ‘if done correctly’, because if a Google Ad campaign is set up without following some basic principles and implementing certain steps, then it is doomed to fail. That failure can range from you not getting any traffic to a website to wasting lots of money getting traffic that is not really interested in what you are offering.

We mention taking a step-by-step approach and the first step you take isn’t to write and or do keyword research, but to sit down and establish exactly what outcome you want from your ads. It may not always be the case that you are trying to attract new clients, but instead, you might wish to add subscribers to an email marketing campaign, or you could want to expand your brand awareness to a wider audience.

Whatever the objective might be, that is what needs to be at the forefront of your thoughts as you progress through the rest of the process. Different objectives will mean that different keywords may need to be used, and obviously, the ad copy is going to differ also when alternate objectives exist.

If we focus on the objective of attracting more clients or patients into your dental practice for dental implants, then you need to ascertain what that audience is going to be. Parameters to consider are demographics such as age group, what their financial circumstances might be, and what locations they might live in.

Beyond these demographics you should also be thinking about what sub-groups new patients to a dental practice could be in. Are they people with poor dental hygiene? Are they those looking for a cheaper, or alternatively, a more exclusive, service? Do you offer cosmetic dental services and are trying to attract those customers?

Ranking Your Home Page

The Business Case For Not Ranking Your Home Page

Whenever an SEO discussion takes place, and the subject matter is about ranking a website, the automatic assumption is that it is the website’s homepage that should be ranked.

In a lot of cases that will be true, but there are many arguments that differ from that thinking. Instead, the theory is that whilst the homepage might be ideal for optimising for the company’s branding, SEO rankings should be focusing on other pages, especially with regards to products and services. This is why we recommend hiring an SEO agency.

Now, this might surprise many of you, but if you read on, we will explain the justification and the business case for not ranking your homepage.

Diversity Of Products And Locations

Now it is likely that your business has more than one product or service on offer, and it is also possible that your business operates in, or targets, more than one location. Even if it does not at the moment, assuming you plan to expand, it may well do so in the future.

Whilst multiple products and locations may all be under one roof in terms of your website, each of them should be promoted on their own individual web pages, or on pages more aligned with that range or location.

If you are solely focusing on ranking your homepage, none of those inner pages ever stand a chance of finding themselves rank number one on google.

The point here is that the kinds of keyword phrases that you would target for those pages, may not actually be difficult to get good ranking for due to poor or limited competition.

This is a huge open goal being missed, as some simple, but effective SEO, could see those pages rank highly and thus your products and services being seen by a much larger number of prospective buyers and clients.

AdWords vs SEO

AdWords vs SEO For Law Firm Marketing

People throughout the world need lawyers on a daily basis. As a law firm, you want them to employ you, right? However, people can’t employ you and make use of your services if they don’t know that you exist, which means that it’s absolutely essential to build a strong online presence. A strong online presence will help more people find you, and can put you at the head of the pack as one of the leading law firms in your area.

Making sure that you appear in the search engine results when people search for lawyers and lawyer related keywords is a major part of building a strong online presence. You can do this in two ways – through Google AdWords, or through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). In this article we will compare the pros and cons of both.


SEO, or search engine optimisation, is the act of making your website appear highly in the search engine results pages for certain keywords or subjects. It is relatively cheap, it is effective, and it brings results. However, it also takes time to get yourself to the top of the search engine rankings pages.


  • SEO is relatively cheap compared to AdWords, especially for law firm marketing.
  • It isn’t all that hard to get yourself to the top of the search engine results pages, especially if you focus on location based keywords.
  • A well crafted SEO strategy brings results. The majority of people click on one of the first couple of results on a search engine page, which will send them to your website if you rank highly.


  • SEO takes time.
  • SEO takes a fair bit of work, especially creating content and building backlinks.
  • Competitive keywords like ‘lawyer’ or ‘law firm’ can be quite difficult to rank for.

Setting Up A WordPress Email Campaign With OptinMonster

Setting up an email list is one of the most important steps on the road to website success. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t realise just how important it is, and therefore fail to do so for a long time after creating their WordPress website.

Current statistics say that over 70% of people who visit your website won’t ever come back unless you can get them to subscribe to your emailing list. Once someone is subscribed to your list there is a fair chance of them returning sometime in the future and who knows – they might even become a regular visitor!

There are a number of very good options when it comes to setting up an email marketing list that is directly linked to your WordPress website. Our favourite is definitely OptinMonster. Although it isn’t free, and can be somewhat difficult to get your head around to begin with, it is an extremely useful tool for all web developers once it is mastered.

What is OptinMonster?

The best thing about OptinMonster is its extreme versatility and the sheer number of features that it offers. Sure, you might have to pay for some of these features, but it will be worth every cent – I promise!

Eye-Catching Email Copy

Developing Eye-Catching Email Copy

Email marketing is a major part of any large marketing campaign. It lets you connect directly with anyone who is interested in your business, your products, or what you do. Sending an email is a great way to deliver information directly to a lot of people, especially if you are finding that your website’s visitor numbers are dropping.

If done right, a marketing email sent out to your email audience can have extremely positive effects. The first (and arguably, most important) part of email marketing is the words themselves. You need to develop email copy which is eye-catching, engaging, and which will encourage the reader to choose your email over all the others in their inbox.

Get the subject line right:

The first thing that anyone sees when they open their email inbox is all of their new messages. Each of these messages is accompanied by a subject line which, ultimately, helps them choose whether or not the email is worth reading.

It is therefore extremely important to make sure that you get your subject line right. Even if you have average content within your email, a catchy subject line will still lead to a lot of people reading it. However, if you have a poor subject line, you will find that a lot of people don’t even open your email.

Keep it short, but strong:

People don’t want to spend hours reading an email. Keep your email copy to the absolute necessities. Once you have written a draft, go through and edit out any words which are not absolutely necessary. Doing this will help you create content which people can engage with, and will increase the chances of people reading your emails through to the end.

Social Media

7 Ways To Keep Your Social Media Followers Engaged

There are lots of social media sites with each having different formats, visuals, and means of communicating with followers. To explain how to keep your social media followers engaged on each individual site would be impossible, but here are 7 ways that should cover most of them, especially the most popular ones.

#1 Post Regularly With News and Comments

Failing to do this means your followers will think you are disinterested in them, and they will soon go elsewhere. An active social media presence with updates appearing regularly will have followers checking your pages or profile every time they log in. More importantly it will encourage them to share your posts which can increase your follower numbers significantly.

#2 Mix It Up

On sites which enable you to use content other than text, take advantage of this. Posting videos, graphics, memes and audio are great ways to keep your followers interested in your posts and keen to share them with their friends.

#3 Answer Questions Quickly

This is a very good way of letting your followers see you are active and more importantly interested in helping them. Often a question will be answered by you which could turn a potential customer into an actual one.


How to Make the Most of Your Business Prospects

Many people start off with high hopes of climbing the corporate ladder only to find as the years go by they didn’t get as far as they expected. There could be many reasons for this and appearance is one of them.

The trouble is that most companies tend to look for younger employees who can be trained and stay with them for many years. This saves them the cost of constantly training new staff. They also want to present the image of a company with a workforce that is young enough to be up with all the latest technology. If, in your work you have to deal with the public a lot, looking older may work against you.

online business

Getting Help for your Online Business – Why and How

Well, now that you have started your very own online business, you have work to do. Now work, like every other work, needs to be done; if you don’t do it, things can turn to a point which you wouldn’t like. Now sooner or later you will realize that you should work on your online business rather than in your online business. And for working on your online business, you need people who can do the work in the business for you.

Why you should give out Responsibilities in your Online Business

Well, the answer can be fairly simple and can be summed up in a few words – saves time for other tasks.  An online business, when grown big, can be hard to handle by a single hand; you will be needing more hands, thus hiring other people to do the work helps and lets you focus on other things that are important too.

On the off chance that you are at a point in your business where you need to begin appointing and outsourcing tasks to others, here is a rundown of tasks and obligations that you can make others do for you:

  • Social Media Marketing – It’s about managing your social media pages & platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • Web Design and Development – By means of Small Business. You can help people to manage and tweak your website while you are away doing things that are more important to you.

How to Take Your Business Offerings to Online Customers

Creating a business website is one thing, creating an online presence is quite another. To create an online presence, you need to have a live and active website that serves its purpose. Depending on the nature of your business and your target market, you must have a branding, marketing, and revenue strategy to take your business, its products, and services online.

We’re in 2015, and it’s much easier to take your products, services, and solutions online than ever before. With ecommerce developing as a sustainable platform, opening an online store gives you the convenience of scaling operations like warehousing and consignment management. Let’s take a look at three ways you can take your business products and services online.

Introduce Payment Gateways on Your Website

Once you have a website, you can create a products/services section where people can easily place an order. Good product descriptions, clear pictures, and clear terms of payment, shipment, and other details can go a long way in successfully selling online. Through organic and paid search engine optimization and social media marketing, you can route more traffic to your website that increases the potential of conversions.

For convenience, give customers the option to pay online by integrating payment methods and gateways like PayPal, Skrill, MasterCard, Visa, and cash on delivery. This allows you to sell directly from the website.

Marketing with style through WordPress

WordPress acts as a catalyst to promote businesses, big or small, digitally. In this global world, people opt for products that are more popular and trending. Therefore, to increase the views on your business content you must make the presentation alluring.

WordPress is not only used as a blogging website or plugin, but with the help of an expert digital marketing agency, it also facilitates in marketing your products in which you can use features such as themes that goes with the industry you are doing business in. Themes give your product a more professional outlook and are custom-built which has necessary features essential to run a business online. These themes consist of functional designs and unique varieties that you can choose from.

There are two types of themes that can be used on WordPress:

  • Paid themes
  • Free themes

You can choose from thousands of themes from a WordPress Themes List or you can invest in premium (paid) themes. Premium themes offer support and are dependable and that’s the advantage of paying for it. Some of the paid themes offer you the preference of customizing the design and page layout.

Following are some of the themes you could utilize while using WordPress:


This theme adds classiness to you website and is absolutely free. Bootstrap technology is used to create this contemporary and even theme. It is also consists of a number of amazing features which are available in the paid themes of WordPress. It appears exceptional on smartphones because of its sharp design and flowing arrangement. The full-screen glider feature brings attention to the images present on the website. The plug-ins it supports includes: Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, W3 Total Cache, and many others.

Online Marketing Trends

Three Online Marketing Trends Dominating 2015

Online businesses achieve commercial success in leaps and bounds for a reason in this era. Since information is literally available at our fingertips through smart devices and cloud technology, consumers are way more informed and practice caution when it comes to making purchases. So, it stands to reason that today’s marketing tactics must be tweaked accordingly as well. The following are some of the biggest trends in 2015 that have taken online marketing by storm.

  1. Valuable Content is More Important than Ever!

One of the main channels businesses are harnessing to establish authority in their industry and gain customer trust is by creating and publishing relevant content. This typically includes specific industry based information that can not only entertain target readers, but provide them insightful information regarding a brand along with its services/products. Not only does this help a business build a rapport with its demographic, but it also increases credibility both online and off. Typically, social media, blogging websites such as WordPress, videos and articles are used for such endeavours.

  1. Diversity in Social Media Marketing Trends

Social media has literally connected the world via multiple social platforms and the trend just keeps getting bigger with time. Besides offering online businesses a plethora of advertising options, it allows them to utilise multitudes of media forms and access new audiences through more channels than ever before! As a result, social media has become a staple marketing trend in the current business landscape. Now most businesses prefer to branch out and experiment with a number of networks, which in turn allows them to target specific demographics and thus create more focused business strategies.