How to Reduce Overhead Costs of eCommerce Business?

eCommerce is one of the best and most effective ways to earn windfall returns on investment. The online platform offers the perfect tool to attract great number of qualified leads. The digital arena is full of online marketing tools that can be harnessed to generate large number of online leads. Social media advertising, search engine optimization, online forums, press release sites, and business directories are just some of the few online tools that can be used to funnel maximum number of visitors to the site.

One of the greatest benefits of starting up an ecommerce store in Australia is that it does not require investing large amount of capital. With just a few hundred dollars, individuals can set-up an online store offering goods and services to the consumers. Moreover, the overhead costs are little as compared to running a brick-and-mortar physical store. And the best part is that there are various ways that entrepreneurs can cut online eCommerce costs thereby boosting online revenues.

Below we have listed 5 effective measures that eCommerce businesses can implement to cut overhead costs.

1. Streamline Supply Chain Distribution Process

Streamlining supply chain and distribution process is one of the best ways to cut online costs. Incorporating supply chain management measures such Just in Time Inventory (stocking just the required products), integrated supply chain methods, vendor managed inventory are some of the ways online companies can streamline their supply chain process and earn above average return on investment.

Have a Unique Product, Want to Sell Online?

Have a Unique Product, Want to Sell Online? Are Your Prepared?

Congratulations!!! After months of rattling your mind you have decided on a lucrative online business opportunity and have accumulated capital to launch it. However, without a professional digital agency, starting an online business would not be easy as it appears, there are roadblocks before you can achieve a break-even in terms of profit. So, here is a 5-step checklist to guide and steer you toward success.

  1. Did You Actually Get a Feedback on Your Product Before Launching?

If you thought your family and friends found your business idea or product highly useful, think again! Feedback obtained from people who are emotionally close to you would appreciate every business idea that emerges from your mind. Seeking a nod from them is a disaster for your launch. To validate if your product/service is unique and sell-able, you must conduct a market survey. Connect with potential customers on the social networks such as Twitter, What’s App, Pinterest, Google+, and FaceBook to gauge their interest in your product or use customer insight survey tools, such as Client Heartbeat and Qualaroo.

  1. Know Your Competitors and Customers

Research the market competition before you can pitch your uniqueness to your audience.

Use tools like SimilarWeb, Google Alerts, Google Trends, and LinkedIn to gauge what your competitors are offering, how they are delighting their customers, and which are the popular sites in your niche. Use this knowledge to make your product different from your competitors.

Often, entrepreneurs first gauge the market response by launching a prototype of the product/service.  They use the forums, blog sites, and social media channels to encourage potential customers to participate in their survey by offering them free samples or holding a contest.

ecommerce sales in australia

3 Common Challenges Faced by eCommerce Start-ups in Australia

With estimated online sales totalling $40.83 billion for the year 2014 and more projected in 2015, the eCommerce industry in Australia is becoming more attractive each passing year. Online businesses have revolutionized the way retail sales are conducted in Australia. And it is projected that online sales will continue to grow in popularity in the coming years presenting significant opportunity for eCommerce businesses.

Online selling can be conducted 24 hours a day and seven days a week. This presents a great opportunity for online businesses to earn windfall returns on investment. Thanks to the ease of setting up a business online, budding entrepreneurs can easily create a start-up business without investing huge amount of money. However, there are certain challenges and roadblocks that business owners have to face when setting up an online business. Here we will take a look at three main challenges faced by fledgling online businesses and the tactics that can be employed to overcome them without much difficulty.

Challenge #1: Constant Flux

The foremost problem faced by online businesses is that the technology and consumer trend is always on the flux. Keeping up with the evolving technology is important if the online businesses want to remain afloat. If the start-up business does not adjust its tactics in line with changing technology and trends, it will lose out on the opportunity of boosting revenues, and even go out of business.

Challenge #2: Satisfying Online Customers

The survival of online business depends on satisfying online customers. Satisfied customers will lead to repeat clients increasing revenues of the company. However, keeping online customers satisfied is no easy task. It may be easy to cater to needs of customers when interacting face to face with them. But catering to online customers requires completely new strategies and tactics. Some of the ways online business can satisfy online contacts include offering 24/7 customer support, buyer friendly return policy, and free shipping. This simple acts will go a long way in ensuring happy customers and making them repeat clients.

How to Setup Your Online Ecommerce Business

Do you plan to set up your very own ecommerce business? Have you planned out each detail and see great potential in your new enterprise for business success? Then what are you waiting for? Get started!

But before you set out to begin your business, make sure you know the steps to setup an ecommerce business and run it successfully in the industry without any problems.

To get started in ecommerce, you need to be aware of all the details and trends in the industry. Know the dynamics which govern the market and be aware of what you can do to make the conditions beneficial for you.

Be mindful of the following things before you setup your online business and designing profitable websites.

Know About the Work Involved In Your Online Business

To start an online store, you will need to have a clear idea of the competition in the industry, the prevalent trends and the essential factors needed to initiate a successful start-up.

Make sure that you know how to manage needs of online customers and their orders, and have a team to constantly update and add new content on the online store site. Employ the best people for managing the different marketing and social media channels and give your business the exposure and boost it deserves in the initial phase.