The Important SEO Tips for Small Businesses in Australia

Do you want to improve your business visibility online? Ever wondered why everyone prompts you to improve your SEO marketing techniques? It is because this technique is the foolproof way for you to tap into an ever wider customer market, knowing no geographical boundaries or limits.

Search engine optimisation techniques are the magic formula which let you attract, draw in and ensure customer conversions, and make a success of your business in a unique way. As the popularity and impact of SEO techniques are gaining momentum and fame, it is fast becoming the foolproof way to reach out to and penetrate a large potential market, and enjoy business and success for your company.

To compete in a highly aggressive Australian market, it is essential that you play all your cards right. Remember, even if your business has a good website and a social presence, but lacks the search engine optimization techniques to boost its business, then you will have no chance to gain any visibility in the market.

Want to know great tips on how to build up, develop and improve on your search engine optimisation techniques? Then read on…

Recognize SEO Importance

The first step is to make sure that you understand how important SEO is for your business. You need to know how relevant it is to the success of your business. To sum up the necessity of having SEO, you just need to understand that with no efforts in this field, you won’t be able to attract any visitors from the different search engines.

With no SEO methods, search engines will not able to categorize or rank your website for any business relevant keywords.


How Web Design Techniques Affect Search Engine Rankings?

Captivating web designs always have a competitive edge over any other website design. It is essential for a website to be listed high in search engine rankings so that it can be easily found by the searchers.

Higher the ranks, easy the search

A nicely built website designed by web design professionals entwined with artistic designs and precise yet detailed information is the one desired for exploration. Imagine, who would want to mark his presence on a website that has incomplete information and a dull composition? The searchers need a reason to visit the website. Each website must have certain design structures in order to rank high in a SEO campaign.

Let us have a look on few of the web designing tips required to accelerate the search engine rank through search engine optimisation.

1. Increased Number of Pages

A large website can increase your chances of ranking high in search engines. So if you have a good number of pages added to your website as compared to your counterparts, you are likely to mark a top page ranking for your website. Make sure that your pages are relevant and do not deviated out of the context. Search engines like a huge number of relevant pages with information. Also, since you have a huge website, you can possible keep the visitors engrossed for a longer time, thus resulting in potential sales.

2. Include Graphic Representation

Only content and no graphics appear to be a boring option. You may have concocted a really good content and filled your website but it doesn’t serve the purpose of those who are more inclined towards exploring the graphics. If you are selling a product, putting up pictures with relevant amount of information will be more preferable for visitors to comprehend the essence of product. Read more on the importance of images here.

online presence

Importance Of Online Presence For Your Brand

The traditional means of marketing have become quite dull to grab audiences’ attention. Digital marketing methods on the other hand are very impressive in bringing the audience close to any brand. Therefore, every brand that is part of the online world needs to ensure that they have maintained an appealing image in the eyes of the audience. Without a solid and easily recognizable online image, brands will be unable to attract customers and succeed.

Greater Business Opportunities

The world of internet is overflowing with opportunities for businesses to grow. A brand can easily reach out to its target audience through online platforms and even interact with their customers to build good relationships as part of its overall online reputation management. These opportunities cannot be utilized by traditional means, which is the reason a sound online presence is important for every brand.

Furthermore, due to the popularity of internet, consumers now prefer researching about a company online then go out and make the purchase immediately. If someone is looking for a good dine in place, they will first look for restaurants online. This provides business a great chance to entice customers with their appealing online image. Similarly, bad reviews on your brand can really mean losing business.

Social Media

7 Ways To Keep Your Social Media Followers Engaged

There are lots of social media sites with each having different formats, visuals, and means of communicating with followers. To explain how to keep your social media followers engaged on each individual site would be impossible, but here are 7 ways that should cover most of them, especially the most popular ones.

#1 Post Regularly With News and Comments

Failing to do this means your followers will think you are disinterested in them, and they will soon go elsewhere. An active social media presence with updates appearing regularly will have followers checking your pages or profile every time they log in. More importantly it will encourage them to share your posts which can increase your follower numbers significantly.

#2 Mix It Up

On sites which enable you to use content other than text, take advantage of this. Posting videos, graphics, memes and audio are great ways to keep your followers interested in your posts and keen to share them with their friends.

#3 Answer Questions Quickly

This is a very good way of letting your followers see you are active and more importantly interested in helping them. Often a question will be answered by you which could turn a potential customer into an actual one.

Top 4 Benefits of Using Linux Website Hosting

When searching for affordable and reliable web hosting services, it’s important to understand the options available. At Slinky Web Hosting, we recognize that Linux and Windows are the two primary operating systems used for web servers. However, Linux has emerged as the preferred choice for many online entrepreneurs and publishers. This preference isn’t arbitrary; Linux offers several advantages that make it particularly well-suited for web hosting. Let’s explore some of the top reasons why Linux-based hosting is favored in the industry:

  1. Easy Modification and Experienced Developers

Since Linux is an open source platform, programmers can easily teak, distribute and improve it through different stages of development. Plus, the industry is filled with quite experienced developers who are constantly working to improve its functionality and fix issues as they crop up. Since they are not part of a corporate culture per se, most Linux developers are extremely disciplined, experienced and motivated. In other words, when you opt for a web hosting service that offers Linux, you can rest assured your website is in good hands.

  1. Unmatched Flexibility

If a web hosting service offers Linux then it means it can take care of a number of important tasks that a website needs to remain supported 24/7. This includes hosting business applications, multimedia applications and even blogging websites such as WordPress. Plus, since the platform can be modified at a moment’s notice, it can be updated if required and issues can be fixed as they crop up. In other words, you can rest assured that your ecommerce website will remain online 24/7 if this platform is supporting it.

Have a Unique Product, Want to Sell Online?

Have a Unique Product, Want to Sell Online? Are Your Prepared?

Congratulations!!! After months of rattling your mind you have decided on a lucrative online business opportunity and have accumulated capital to launch it. However, without a professional digital agency, starting an online business would not be easy as it appears, there are roadblocks before you can achieve a break-even in terms of profit. So, here is a 5-step checklist to guide and steer you toward success.

  1. Did You Actually Get a Feedback on Your Product Before Launching?

If you thought your family and friends found your business idea or product highly useful, think again! Feedback obtained from people who are emotionally close to you would appreciate every business idea that emerges from your mind. Seeking a nod from them is a disaster for your launch. To validate if your product/service is unique and sell-able, you must conduct a market survey. Connect with potential customers on the social networks such as Twitter, What’s App, Pinterest, Google+, and FaceBook to gauge their interest in your product or use customer insight survey tools, such as Client Heartbeat and Qualaroo.

  1. Know Your Competitors and Customers

Research the market competition before you can pitch your uniqueness to your audience.

Use tools like SimilarWeb, Google Alerts, Google Trends, and LinkedIn to gauge what your competitors are offering, how they are delighting their customers, and which are the popular sites in your niche. Use this knowledge to make your product different from your competitors.

Often, entrepreneurs first gauge the market response by launching a prototype of the product/service.  They use the forums, blog sites, and social media channels to encourage potential customers to participate in their survey by offering them free samples or holding a contest.

Content Strategies

Content Strategies To Boost Your Site’s Ranking

None of these are “sneaky” in the sense of being gray-hat SEO or even immoral – they’re perfectly square strategies to become recognized as an expert on your topic. But they’re all strategies beyond “blog and hope” and link-mining, too. Consider what each of these content ideas can do for your ranking:

  1. Interview a famous expert in your field – can’t get the Google Juice away from your competitor? Why not invite them to speak on your dime? Do a podcast interview with a leading expert in the field of your site’s focus. Many experts in small fields seek greater publicity, and there’s nothing like an interview invitation to boost somebody’s ego. Now Famous Competitor is linked to your site inextricably!
online business

Getting Help for your Online Business – Why and How

Well, now that you have started your very own online business, you have work to do. Now work, like every other work, needs to be done; if you don’t do it, things can turn to a point which you wouldn’t like. Now sooner or later you will realize that you should work on your online business rather than in your online business. And for working on your online business, you need people who can do the work in the business for you.

Why you should give out Responsibilities in your Online Business

Well, the answer can be fairly simple and can be summed up in a few words – saves time for other tasks.  An online business, when grown big, can be hard to handle by a single hand; you will be needing more hands, thus hiring other people to do the work helps and lets you focus on other things that are important too.

On the off chance that you are at a point in your business where you need to begin appointing and outsourcing tasks to others, here is a rundown of tasks and obligations that you can make others do for you:

  • Social Media Marketing – It’s about managing your social media pages & platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • Web Design and Development – By means of Small Business. You can help people to manage and tweak your website while you are away doing things that are more important to you.

Why You Should List Your Business on Local Search Directories

In online marketing, the greater the visibility of your business, the greater the chances of conversions. As of today, nearly every company wants to leverage getting qualified leads more quickly and efficiently than their competitors. Other than online marketing campaigns and advertisements, business listings on local search directories are an effective way to get more exposure and are affordable, too.

Bright Local states that 31% of SEM activities are focused on building local SEO strategies. Despite that, says that some businesses may fail to understand the ability of local search directories, even though 8 out of 10 people would look up those places when finding products, especially services such as electricians and plumbers. If you’re still unsure about local search directories, here are five reasons you should list your business today!

Improved Visibility

As mentioned before, most, if not all, internet users will look for local information in search directories. Hence, if your website is listed and gives the users the data they need, you have a great conversion potential. Following this, if your website is listed in several directories, then your online visibility increases.


With more visibility on local search directories, it will be easier for people to find out more about your business and contact you regarding products, services, and solutions. Effective content marketing and SEO will help you convert users into paying customers. In this case, local search directories are the gateway to your customers and vice versa.

The Significance of Getting your Business Online

It’s a prerequisite that any start up or established business today must have an online presence, regardless of whether it’s an active one or just for referrals. Other more standard business strategies, from team building to customer service are still of utmost, one of the key drivers of success for an Australian business today is having an engaging and reliable online presence.

While tracking ROI on online investment can be difficult, there is no denying that a good online marketing and branding strategy can turn around the fortunes of your business. If you’re still thinking about whether or not you should take your business online, consider these factors that will change your mind!

Virtually Limitless Marketing Opportunities

Just think about this for a moment – almost 90% of the population in Australia has access to the Internet, which means there are more than 21 million Internet users in the country. However, only 52% of the people use it for business and work purposes. In other words, there’s a huge market and potential for your business on the Internet that you are wasting by not going online.

Getting your business online enables potential customers to know more about what you offer, something which they didn’t have access to, with traditional marketing strategies. Online marketing gives your business the opportunity to reach out to a large number of customers that would otherwise spend their money on your competitors.

For instance, if you are opening a new sushi bar in Melbourne, you will be able to get more customers by creating an online presence and through marketing, than with traditional flyers, brochures, and newspaper advertisements. While we are not asking you to give up on traditional marketing because human interaction can never be replaced, online marketing helps you do much more for less!

Top 5 Tricks to Reduce Web Page Load Times

Fast loading websites hook users. On the other hand, slow websites repel visitors. Hence, to grab your web page visitors, reducing web page loading time is a must! Moreover, minimalist web design techniques that allow websites that load quickly are also ranked better on the search engines.

Here are 5 ways you can lessen web page loading time:

  1. Existing Website Speed Analysis

To decrease your web page loading time the first prior step is to check the current time taken by your web page to load. After you find out the loading time of your website, you will be able to estimate the improvement is required. You will also know whether the tricks applied are working to lessen your web page loading time.

Three free tools that can be used to analyse web page loading time are-Pingdom, Web Page Test and Page Speed.

  1. Optimize Your Images

It is essential to identify when you need to format your images and which file is ideal for the image formatting process. Certain file formats reduce the image size radically so being aware and knowing the details is necessary.

Three options most popularly used are JPEG, GIF and PNG.

  • JPEG is to be selected for those images which contain lots of colours and elaborate detailing such as in case of photographs.
  • GIF is best suited for the images that consist of a few colours such as logos.
  • PNG is the right alternative when you require transparent images with high quality.

Where’s Your Office Now?

These days luxury yachts are not just about having a great lifestyle of relaxation and pleasure. You’ll see many such yachts are also equipped with an office. That is so the owners can sit in comfort and entertain their guests, while still keeping an eye on their investments and other business dealings when necessary.

Nomad, a luxury yacht designed by Sam Sorgiovanni and built by Australian ship builder Oceanfast is one of the most luxurious yachts you could hope to see and has many wonderful amenities; she also has an office. So the owners can take off for overseas locations at any time without losing track of what’s happening with their business. They can have fun and enjoy their friends in such beautiful surroundings without losing sleep worrying about what’s happening at their business.

Modern up-market homes could also be designed to not only cater to the lifestyle many people enjoy, but to enable much of the hard work that goes into providing that lifestyle to be done at home. With today’s technology there are many work-related things that could be done at home if the home was set up properly with all that is needed to contact the downtown office and run a business.

Listing Your Business Online

Yellow Pages are no longer the primary directory for businesses. In fact, in only five years, Yellow Pages have declined by more than 50% in use. More people today prefer using an online business directory when they are looking up for businesses. If your business is based in Australia and has yet to be listed on online directories, here are the top 10 places your business needs to have an online presence on!

  1. Google

We’ll start off with the most obvious inclusion since more than 6 billion searches are carried out on Google. Getting a business listing on Google is free, and with a great online marketing strategy, there is no telling how great Google can be for your business. Google works cohesively with other Google products to help you dominate your geographic market.

  1. Bing

Bing is a search engine by Microsoft that lets you add multiple locations for your business easily. You can upload photos, videos, and other business content on Bing listings and can also increase geospatial marketing prospects. It’s the second most active search engine so there is reason why you should list your business on Bing.