One of the greatest lines in, what many consider one of the greatest ever movies, is “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse”, which was spoken by Marlon Brando in The Godfather, at which point you might now be asking “What has Don Corleone this got to do with landscapers?”. Well, making offers people cannot refuse works for landscaping businesses just as well as it did for mafia mobsters, except your offers will not come with threats attached.
Instead, your offers will help make it easier for you to gain new customers to create a win-win situation where your profits increase, and you have a delighted customer who is now more than willing to write positive reviews about your landscaping business.
Now, a problem exists in that some landscapers are unsure how to create these amazing offers we refer to. So, to help them, and you if you need help too, here are seven questions to which the answers will help you create outstanding offers to attract landscaping clients.
What Do My Prospects Need?
Your offers should invariably match the needs, wants, goals, and pain points of your target audience. Research what prospective landscaping customers in your area are looking for from landscapers like from and for their gardens, then create your offers around those.