10 Areas Of Your Restaurant You Must Ensure Are Cleaned And Sanitised Daily
If you own or run a restaurant of any kind, you will hopefully be more than aware that the cleanliness and hygiene within your premises are every bit, if not more important, than how good your food tastes. After all, what is the point of having the best chefs and service staff, if no one visits your restaurant because it has gained a reputation for being unclean and unhygienic?
We are sure that is not the case and that you do all you can to make your restaurant clean, perhaps by using professional cleaners from gleamcleanwa.com.au to either advise on or to carry out cleaning tasks regularly.
Whether you use outside professionals or have your own team of trained cleaners, you need to be conscious of the fact that there are some parts of your restaurant and items within it, that require special attention and at the very least cleaned and sanitised daily. These are the ones that are especially in use when it comes to the cooking, preparation, and serving of food, plus others that many customers will come into contact with. Here are ten examples of what we mean.
Tabletops: Probably one of the most obvious examples given that multiple people will have eaten at a table and dropped food on it. It is not enough to simply wipe the table of spillages, and the like, but after each guest leaves it should be sanitised before the next guests sit down.
Door Handles: Handles on the exterior and interior doors are a prime location where germs and bacteria are found, and worse, spread. Ensure your handles are wiped at least once per day.
Menus: When you think that any single menu will have been handle by dozens of people per day, plus umpteen times by your staff, to prevent the spread of germs you need to have them wiped clean every day, and preferably throughout the day.
Soft Drinks Dispenser Nozzles: This is most applicable if you allow free refills. Customers will likely use the same cup and when they press the dispenser to refill their drinks this potentially can spread germs given the fact that the same cup was touched by their mouth.
Reusable Food Storage Containers: Food is like a magnet to bacteria so if your kitchen uses reusable food containers they must be hygienically cleaned before any food is placed in them.
Knife Blocks: The same principle concerning food and bacteria applies to knife blocks which should be sterilised regularly.
Tin Openers: And again!. Tin openers might only have specks of food on them but that is all it takes to attract bacteria which can then spread to other food.
Children’s Booster Seats And High Chairs: Unfortunately, even babies and small children carry germs and if they have used one of these chairs it needs to be thoroughly wiped and sanitised before being offered to another child.
Condiment Containers: These will be used throughout the day and night by customers and so it is best practice to have your condiment containers wiped regularly, and at least once per day.
Touchscreens And Payment Terminals: More items that lots of different customers touch which compels you to sanitise them as often as you can to prevent the spread of germs to other customers who subsequently use them.